Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Old man and the butterfly Storyboard

So this is just a section of another short. It's just a trimmed down portion for a stop-motion class. There really isn't a plot in this part, just a fraction of the end of the film.


Travis said...

This is going to be awesome to see come together. I'm interested to see what the puppets will look like.

Betzabe Cifuentes said...

Did you get inspired on the poem The Old Man and the Butterfly. You're the closest person to unravel the mystery of the poem.
It's a real life story taken from a domestic violence situation at home. The old man is no longer alive.

Betzabe Cifuentes said...

You're the closest person that came so closed to the real story. It's my poem, I wrote it around 1994 inspired by a situation in domestic violence. People have interprete this poem in so many ways, but you have come closest.

Drew Brown said...

I actually haven't read your poem. The idea came out of necessity. I started with the idea that I needed a story to take place in a single set with minimal characters. That gave me the idea of having it take place in a prison cell. As for the butterfly, I needed a character that would be able to come and go from the cell with ease. It was either a butterfly or a rat. I liked the contrast of a beautiful butterfly with a dingy environment. The poem I used was written after the initial idea by Sean Stackhouse. I haven't read your poem. Is there a link you can provide so I can check it out?