Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Old Man and the Butterfly - Final Film

So here is my first film, I like it and think it turned out nice. The animation is still rough but I'm learning what can I say. Hope you like it and as always, any critique is welcome.


Russell Wilkins said...

What can I say man? Very impressive! The cinematography and lighting were superb. The visuals paired well with the poem and I loved the overall atmosphere of the piece. Congrats!

Have you submitted to any festivals yet? Because you should man!

Only input I will give (because its a very well done animation) is do a quick spell check of the end credits. Thats all I got.

How have you been?


Drew Brown said...

Thanks Russell, yeah I realize in my coma during finals I spelled "Arranged" and "Chopin" wrong. I've fixed the text but am having some difficulty with After Effects. I'll definitely get that fixed before I send it out to festivals. Again, thanks for the kind words. Oh, and I still haven't seen your film yet. Hope it turned out to your expectations.

I've been well, working on the next short. A music video for a friend. A post-apocalypse sci-fi western. I have to raise my expectations for myself in each new project. What about you?
